PROMPT: What You Cannot Say, and Letters of Blame

We did two in-workshop writing prompts at VoiceCATCH yesterday:

1.  What You Cannot Say

Write about what you feel you cannot say or write. If you’re stuck, free-write using the sentence “I cannot say _____” over and over, filling in the blank with different phrases until you find the thing you really can’t say. Expand as you feel compelled.

For inspiration, we read Aaron Smith’s “What It Feels Like to Be Aaron Smith,” found in Appetite, and Marjorie Agosín’s “Servant Girls,” found in Of Earth and Sea: A Chilean Memoir (links are to


2.  Letters of Blame

Write a letter to someone you blame about something he/she has done. Or, write a letter in the voice of someone else to you about something you’ve done.

A big thanks to Jonny for this writing prompt.