Words Without Walls is a creative partnership between the Chatham MFA Creative Writing ProgramAllegheny County Jail, and Sojourner House, a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility for mothers and their children. 

Words Without Walls is a creative partnership between the Chatham MFA Creative Writing Program, Allegheny County Jail (ACJ), State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh (SCI Pgh), and Sojourner House, a residential drug and alcohol treatment facility for mothers and their children. 

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Each year, Words Without Walls holds nine classes at the Allegheny County Jail—six for men, and three for women—as well as a class each semester for 20 men serving sentences at State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh (formerly known as Western Penitentiary). Words Without Walls also hosts a creative writing class...

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Words Without Walls teachers regularly find that teaching in alternative spaces is a life changing experience and one they can not forget. Our teachers are committed to continuing their outreach work after graduation and have gone on to create programs at various sites around the country.

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“Academia can be kind of elitist about this,” St. Germain said. “Really, the first kernel of writing is about wanting to tell your story.”